How To Become Rich

I can hear the voices of critics chattering, criticizing the title of my writeup. In 2010, I was exposed to financial education and started my learning. In order to purchase investments you first need some capital to be able to buy them. As for how rich, it is not a get rich quick scheme rather; it is about building your asset column consistently such that it grows to the point where your passive income will be bigger than your living expenses.

Not everybody can make money on the Internet, although some people do with their own websites. If you want to become rich you need a plan on how you are going to raise capital. By paying yourself first you are making yourself richer and richer, but make sure you purchase assets that generate income (not that take income away from you because that is a liability).

The major difference between rich people and poor people is what they spend their money on. Rich people spend their money on things that will make them richer, and poor people spend money on things that will make them poorer. Instead you should have a plan on how you are going to best reinvest them for a maximum profit.

You can then use that income to purchase your liabilities such as cars and clothes. As you continue to prosper your soul with the word of God, eventually you will be over flowed with God's riches in every area of your life including your bank accounts because you are walking in His love in every area of your life.

Stocks can go up dramatically over a relatively short period of time and make you rich but you have to have the money to invest and you have to pick the right stocks at the right time. They learn to pick their own investments and they build businesses where others work to earn paycheck while their businesses pay them rich passive income.

If you want to be financially free then you need to know win cash the difference between assets and liabilities and you need to buy assets. But there are ways you can legally minimize your tax payments so that you can have more money to invest and you can become richer quicker.

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